Music The Rhythm Of Life

Music The Rhythm Of Life: 

Music is a divine gift of God to everyone. In the whole world, there are different and several kinds of music that exist. In different languages, music entertains us. The music has the power to lift our spirits and gives calmness to our minds and heart. 

Music helps us to realize who we are, music can touch our feelings ie, music is able to reduce our anger, create happiness in our mind, it reminds us of our memories. Psychological studies say that
music can lift our moods and gives us relief from stress, depression, and tension.

By listening to music it can make us feel more relaxed. Some people listen to music before they sleep, some are after waking from sleep. Both are good for them, by doing this they will get good sleep and a fine day. Medical science has music as a treatment, they do music therapy as medicine for some patients.

Music has an important role in life. Life is totally a mystery to us, what comes next that we cannot predict. Music can heal anything in our life. Music is a valuable gift by god for us.

Music is the rhythm of everyone's life. A precious gift that we ever could ask god


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